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Wall Mounted Coat Lockers

Coat Locker-0767jc.Small wall mount - Seven double coat hooks on hard Maple.    48" long x 4" high




Coat Locker-0768jc.Wall mount - Locker has eleven double hooks. 48" wide x 6 1/2" deep x 16" high

Item Code Description Price: Order
0767jc Coat Locker - Small Wall Mount  (wt. 6 lbs) $ 46.00 [ADD TO CART]
0768jc Coat Locker - Wall Mount  (wt. 27 lbs) $ 101.00 [ADD TO CART]
Wall Mount Coat Locker 0770jc

Coat Locker with Cubbies

Large wall mount - Large double hooks provide enough space for ten children. Cubbie holes are 8 3/4" wide x 14" deep x 5 1/2" high. Overall size is 48" wide x 15 1/2" deep x 20" high Available in KYDZTuff Birch finish (as shown) or Rainbow Accents® (gray with choice of eight edge band colors)Kydz Activity Tables 6458JCA187

Item Code Description Price: Order
0770jc Coat Locker without trays   (wt. 74 lbs) $ 290.00 [ADD TO CART]
0771jc Coat Locker with colored trays   (wt. 84 lbs) $ 332.00 [ADD TO CART]
07710jc Coat Locker with clear trays   (wt. 84 lbs) $ 332.00 [ADD TO CART]
0770jcr Rainbow Accents® Coat Locker without trays   (wt. 74 lbs) $ 288.00 [ADD TO CART]
0771jcr Rainbow Accents® Coat Locker with colored trays   (wt. 84 lbs) $ 330.00 [ADD TO CART]
0771jcr Rainbow Accents® Coat Locker with clear trays   (wt. 84 lbs) $ 330.00 [ADD TO CART]
Wall Mount Coat Locker with Clear Trays 07850jc

Big organization for small spaces. Ideal for outerwear or costumes. Four double coat hooks. Roomy tubs are optional. 48” wide x 15” deep x 14½” high.

Item Code Description Price: Order
0786jc 4 Section Wall Locker without tubs   (wt. 56 lbs) $ 227.00 [ADD TO CART]
07850jc 4 Section Wall Locker with clear tubs (wt. 60 lbs) $ 249.00 [ADD TO CART]

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