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V-Line Security Cases and Cabinets

V-Line Industries - Dedicated to
Increasing Gun Safety and
Reducing Firearm Accidents

Tactical Top Draw Case by V-Line Industries 31242-sa rifle case by V-Line Gun Securtiy Cabinet by V-Line Industries
Top Draw Case XD
2912-S-FBLK XD
Rifle Case
Shotgun Cabinet

V-Line Hide-A-Way Pistol Gun Safe
Closet Security Vault by V-Line Industries Quick Vault Security Cabinet by V-Line Industries Compact 279-S
Closet Vault Quick Vault
Narcotics Security Box V-Line Desk Mate V-Line 1394-S Brute  
Narcotics Security Box Desk Mate 2597-S Brute Pistol Case  
V-Line Security Cases and Cabinets are designed to provide moderate security while offering quick access with the Simplex push button lock. Our line of "ready access security cases" or "quick access security cases" are not intended to provide the ultimatum security system. They have not been rated for burglary or fire resistance.

V-Line Security Cases offer multiple benefits including: locking firearms out of reach of children, preventing firearms from being tampered with, and reducing the possibility of theft, all while maintaining quick and easy access to the firearm.

Check your local and state laws if you wish to use your V-Line Security Case in your vehicle, for example California state law requires "firearms must be unloaded" and handguns must be "carried in a locked container separate from the utility or glove compartment. Ammunition cannot be attached to the handgun in any manner." Sections 12025, 12026, P.C. Consult with your local law-enforcement agency or a local attorney to verify firearm storage and transportation laws in your area.

Under no circumstances will V-Line be responsible for any damages or loss including loss of time or labor incurred by the purchaser beyond the cost of items purchased from V-Line Industries.

Eight VERY good reasons to purchase a VLINE safe or gun vault.

1. V-Line Ind. offers gun owners Security Cases and Cabinets to safe guard both firearms and children. A firearm locked in a V-Line quick access pistol, rifle, or shotgun case reduces the possibility of a child or unauthorized person tampering with, discharging, or stealing the firearm.

2. V-Line's pistol safes and gun boxes offer protection for both the firearm and the gun owner, thus reducing the liability for the gun owner, gun manufacturer, and the retailer. The initial cost is higher for a V-Line gun safe than a gun lock, but the additional security provided is priceless.

3. We understand that many gun owners want quick and easy access to their self-defense firearm, and use this as an excuse to not properly secure their weapon. V-Line Cases address this issue by offering quick and easy access with the Simplex push button lock. The Simplex lock is mechanical, no keys to lose or batteries to change.

4. Gun owners from all walks of life can benefit from owning a V-Line Case: the obvious is homes with children, but just as important are homes in which children may only visit. Homes without children still benefit by reducing the threat of theft to a self defense firearm kept for quick access.

5. Consumers who own or purchase a large gun safe for their collection will also want to consider purchasing a V-Line Case to secure that one self defense firearm they want quick access to.

6. V-Line Safes are also ideal for use at the office. Great for the executive who doesn't want to sit on his bulky wallet all day, or needs a secure place to store small items he doesn't want to leave lying around.

7. RV'ers also find V-Line Cases a convenient and secure storage unit to protect extra cash, credit card, and jewelry while on the road. Optional Mounting Brackets allow one Case to to be used in more than one location, providing versatility and saving money.

8. As the media, legislature, and courts focus on gun safety devices, V-Line would like to offer consumers a better and safer alternative to "gun lock" and "smart gun" devices currently being prompted. We do not advocate or suggest mandated storage laws. We do, however, strongly urge consumers to voluntarily secure their weapons responsibly.


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