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Cutting Systems

Rotary Deluxe Razor X-Cutter, A697
Deluxe Razor-X Cutter, A697
SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

The new Deluxe Razor X cuts up to 1/2' thick, stiff material (like cork) while also increasing the effectiveness on thicker soft materials such as bubble, foam & filter material. The cutting height guard is adjustable for a thickness of 3/8' to 5/8'. This adjustability also makes changing the cutting blades easier by allowing you to remove the lower portion of the head instead of taking the stainless steel tube off the track. Although standard utility knife blades can be used, we recommend 4-notch titanium edged utility blades which stay sharp longer than the standard utility knife blades. Each unit we manufacture is made with these titanium edged blades and replacement blades are available for purchase. Additional feature: Material does not get pulled into the track as with a traditional rotary shear blade. This means the track stays clean much longer avoiding replacements due to 'clogged up' tracks. This feature is true for most forms of bubble, foam, paper, cork and single face corru-gated. We are more than happy to test a sample of your material at our facility prior to purchase if you wish. Please contact us prior to sending your sample so we can obtain contact information and other details needed to effectively test your sample. *NOTE: The Deluxe Razor X head can replace the Rotary Shear head on existing tracks, no modifications required.


  • Cuts up to 1/2” thick, stiff material (like cork) while also increasing the effectiveness on thicker soft materials such as bubble, foam & filter material.
  • The cutting height guard is adjustable for a thickness of 3/8” to 5/8”. This feature makes changing the cutting blades easier by allowing you to remove the lower portion of the head rather than taking the stainless steel tube off the track.
  • Made with 4-notch titanium edged utility blades
  • Replacement blades are available for purchase.
  • Includes hold downs.
  • The Deluxe Razor X head can replace the Rotary Shear head on existing tracks, no modifications required.

Additional feature: Material does not get pulled into the track as with a traditional rotary shear blade. This means the track stays clean much longer avoiding replacements due to “clogged up” tracks. This feature is true for most forms of bubble, foam, paper, cork and single face corrugated.

A697 Assembly Instructions

Deluxe Razor-X Price List
Model Description Width Price* Order
A697-24 Deluxe Razor-X Cutter with holds downs 24" $380 [ADD TO CART]
A697-36 Deluxe Razor-X Cutter with holds downs 36" $440 [ADD TO CART]
A697-48 Deluxe Razor-X Cutter with holds downs 48" $489 [ADD TO CART]
A697-60 Deluxe Razor-X Cutter with holds downs 60" $538 [ADD TO CART]
Rotary Sheer Cutter, A694

SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

Razor-X Cutter
(No hold down bars)
For cutting single face corrugated and very thin foams. Has razor blade cutting device. Counter mount only. Width is 15" greater than cutting width.
685 - Replacement top cutter.
For units with hold down bar see A-684 below.
Razor-X Price List
Model Description Width Price* Order
A680-24 Razor-X Cutter 24" $185 [ADD TO CART]
A680-36 Razor-X Cutter 36" $200 [ADD TO CART]
A680-48 Razor-X Cutter 48" $236 [ADD TO CART]
A680-60 Razor-X Cutter 60" $263 [ADD TO CART]
685 Replacement Top Cutter (Razor-X Cutter) - $154 [ADD TO CART]

Rotary Shear Cutter

SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

Rotary Shear Cutter
(No hold down bars)
For cutting all types of thick packing materials. Counter mount only. Width is 15" greater than cutting width.

69022- Replacement Top Cutter
69015- Replacement Blade Only
364244- 24" Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly
364255- 36" Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly

364266- 48" Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly
364261- 60" Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly

For units with hold down bars, see A-694 below.

Rotary Shear Cutter
Model Description Width Price* Order
A690R-24 Rotary Shear Cutter 24" $325 [ADD TO CART]
A690R-36 Rotary Shear Cutter 36" $362 [ADD TO CART]
A690R-48 Rotary Shear Cutter 48" $402 [ADD TO CART]
A690R-60 Rotary Shear Cutter 60" $458 [ADD TO CART]
685 Replacement Top Cutter (Rotary Shear Cutter) - $154 [ADD TO CART]
365 Replacement Blade Only (Rotary Shear Cutter) - $5 [ADD TO CART]
364244 Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly 24" $62 [ADD TO CART]
364255 Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly 36" $69 [ADD TO CART]
364266 Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly 48" $77 [ADD TO CART]
364261 Replacement Bottom Spring Steel/Foam Assembly 60" $85 [ADD TO CART]

Razor-X Cutter

SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

Rotary Shear & Razor-X Cutters with Hold Down Attached
A694 - Rotary Shear Cutter for thick packing materials. Hold down bars included.

Width is 15" greater than cutting width.

A684 - Razor-X Cutter for single face corrugated and very thin foams. Hold down bars included.

A684 Assembly Instructions

Rotary Shear & Razor-X Cutters
Model Description Width Price* Order
A694-24 Rotary Shear with Hold Down Attached 24" $354 [ADD TO CART]
A694-36 Rotary Shear with Hold Down Attached 36" $392 [ADD TO CART]
A694-48 Rotary Shear with Hold Down Attached 48" $430 [ADD TO CART]
A694-60 Rotary Shear with Hold Down Attached 60" $478 [ADD TO CART]
A684-24 Razor-X Cutter with Hold Down Attached 24" $199 [ADD TO CART]
A684-36 Razor-X Cutter with Hold Down Attached 36" $215 [ADD TO CART]
A684-48 Razor-X Cutter with Hold Down Attached 48" $251 [ADD TO CART]
A684-60 Razor-X Cutter with Hold Down Attached 60" $278 [ADD TO CART]

Reel Holder, Packing Materials Rack, M530, M560

SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

Reel Holders
M530- Holds up to 30" diameter roll.
M560- Holds up to 40" diameter roll.
Maximum weight of 80 lbs. Can be mounted on counter, on wall, or under counter.

M530 and M560 Assembly Instructions

Reel Holders
Model Description Width Price* Order
M530-24 Reel Holders - 30" Diameter Rolls 24" $196 [ADD TO CART]
M530-36 Reel Holders - 30" Diameter Rolls 36" $205 [ADD TO CART]
M530-48 Reel Holders - 30" Diameter Rolls 48" $214 [ADD TO CART]
M530-60 Reel Holders - 30" Diameter Rolls 60" $223 [ADD TO CART]
M560-24 Reel Holders - 40" Diameter Rolls 24" $203 [ADD TO CART]
M560-36 Reel Holders - 40" Diameter Rolls 36" $212 [ADD TO CART]
M560-48 Reel Holders - 40" Diameter Rolls 48" $222 [ADD TO CART]
M560-60 Reel Holders - 40" Diameter Rolls 60" $230 [ADD TO CART]

Dual Wall Mount Packing Roll Holder

SIZES - 12", 24"

Dual Wall Mount Packing Roll Holder
M565- Holds two 12" or 24" rolls of thick packing material, up to 40" diameter. Works well with perforated material. Wall Mount. Wall serves as brake.

M565 Assembly Instructions

Reel Holders
Model Description Width Price* Order
M565-12 Wall Mount Reel Holders - 12" rolls 24" $138 [ADD TO CART]
M565-24 Wall Mount Reel Holders - 24" rolls 36" $146 [ADD TO CART]

Portable Shear Cutter, A691

SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

Portable Shear Cutter
A691R- For thick materials. Movable unit on casters for holding and cutting packing materials on rolls up to 40" diameter.

A691 Assembly Instructions

Portable Shear Cutter
Model Description Width Price* Order
A691R-24 Portable Shear Cutter 24" $648 [ADD TO CART]
A691R-36 Portable Shear Cutter 36" $718 [ADD TO CART]
A691R-48 Portable Shear Cutter 48" $786 [ADD TO CART]
A691R-60 Portable Shear Cutter 60" $893 [ADD TO CART]

Razor-X Cutting System, A681

SIZES - 24", 36", 48", 60"

Portable Razor-X Cutter
A681- For single face corrugated and very thin foams. Movable unit on casters for holding and cutting packing materials on rolls up to 40" diameter.

A681 Assembly Instructions

Portable Razor-X Cutters
Model Description Width Price* Order
A681-24 Portable Razor-X Cutter 24" $482 [ADD TO CART]
A681-36 Portable Razor-X Cutter 36" $522 [ADD TO CART]
A681-48 Portable Razor-X Cutter 48" $558 [ADD TO CART]
A681-60 Portable Razor-X Cutter 60" $630 [ADD TO CART]
* Cutting Systems ship via UPS services.

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